Jeremy Keith

Jeremy Keith

Making websites. Writing books. Hosting a podcast. Speaking at events. Living in Brighton. Working at Clearleft. Playing music. Taking photos. Answering email.

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Tuesday, April 30th, 2024

Monday, April 29th, 2024

HTMX Is So Cool I Rolled My Own! – David Bushell – Freelance Web Design (UK)

Call it HTMLX or call it Hijax, what matters isn’t the code so much as the idea:

Front-end JavaScript fatigue is real. I’m guilty myself of over-engineering JS UI despite preferring good old server templates. I don’t even think HTMX is that good but the philosophy behind it embarrasses the modern JavaScript developer. For that I appreciate it very much.

My approach to HTML web components

I’ve been deep-diving into HTML web components over the past few weeks. I decided to refactor the JavaScript on The Session to use custom elements wherever it made sense.

I really enjoyed doing this, even though the end result for users is exactly the same as before. This was one of those refactors that was for me, and also for future me. The front-end codebase looks a lot more understandable and therefore maintainable.

Most of the JavaScript on The Session is good ol’ DOM scripting. Listen for events; when an event happens, make some update to some element. It’s the kind of stuff we might have used jQuery for in the past.

Chris invoked Betteridge’s law of headlines recently by asking Will Web Components replace React and Vue? I agree with his assessment. The reactivity you get with full-on frameworks isn’t something that web components offer. But I do think web components can replace jQuery and other approaches to scripting the DOM.

I’ve written about my preferred way to do DOM scripting: One of the advantages to that approach is that even if the DOM gets updated—perhaps via Ajax—the event listening will still work.

Well, this is exactly the kind of thing that custom elements take care of for you. The connectedCallback method gets fired whenever an instance of the custom element is added to the document, regardless of whether that’s in the initial page load or later in an Ajax update.

So my client-side scripting style has updated over time:

  1. Adding event handlers directly to elements.
  2. Adding event handlers to the document and using
  3. Wrapping elements in a web component that handles the event listening.

None of these progressions were particularly ground-breaking or allowed me to do anything I couldn’t do previously. But each progression improved the resilience and maintainability of my code.

Like Chris, I’m using web components to progressively enhance what’s already in the markup. In fact, looking at the code that Chris is sharing, I think we may be writing some very similar web components!

A few patterns have emerged for me…

Naming custom elements

Naming things is famously hard. Every time you make a new custom element you have to give it a name that includes a hyphen. I settled on the convention of using the first part of the name to echo the element being enhanced.

If I’m adding an enhancement to a button element, I’ll wrap it in a custom element that starts with button-. I’ve now got custom elements like button-geolocate, button-confirm, button-clipboard and so on.

Likewise if the custom element is enhancing a link, it will begin with a-. If it’s enhancing a form, it will begin with form-.

The name of the custom element tells me how it’s expected to be used. If I find myself wrapping a div with button-geolocate I shouldn’t be surprised when it doesn’t work.

Naming attributes

You can use any attributes you want on a web component. You made up the name of the custom element and you can make up the names of the attributes too.

I’m a little nervous about this. What if HTML ends up with a new global attribute in the future that clashes with something I’ve invented? It’s unlikely but it still makes me wary.

So I use data- attributes. I’ve already got a hyphen in the name of my custom element, so it makes sense to have hyphens in my attributes too. And by using data- attributes, the browser gives me automatic reflection of the value in the dataset property.

Instead of getting a value with this.getAttribute('maximum') I get to use this.dataset.maximum. Nice and neat.

The single responsibility principle

My favourite web components aren’t all-singing, all-dancing powerhouses. Rather they do one thing, often a very simple thing.

Here are some examples:

  • Jason’s aria-collapsable for toggling the display of one element when you click on another.
  • David’s play-button for adding a play button to an audio or video element.
  • Chris’s ajax-form for sending a form via Ajax instead of a full page refresh.
  • Jim’s user-avatar for adding a tooltip to an image.
  • Zach’s table-saw for making tables responsive.

All of those are HTML web components in that they extend your existing markup rather than JavaScript web components that are used to replace HTML. All of those are also unambitious by design. They each do one thing and one thing only.

But what if my web component needs to do two things?

I make two web components.

The beauty of custom elements is that they can be used just like regular HTML elements. And the beauty of HTML is that it’s composable.

What if you’ve got some text that you want to be a level-three heading and also a link? You don’t bemoan the lack of an element that does both things. You wrap an a element in an h3 element.

The same goes for custom elements. If I find myself adding multiple behaviours to a single custom element, I stop and ask myself if this should be multiple custom elements instead.

Take some of those button- elements I mentioned earlier. One of them copies text to the clipboard, button-clipboard. Another throws up a confirmation dialog to complete an action, button-confirm. Suppose I want users to confirm when they’re copying something to their clipboard (not a realistic example, I admit). I don’t have to create a new hybrid web component. Instead I wrap the button in the two existing custom elements.

Rather than having a few powerful web components, I like having lots of simple web components. The power comes with how they’re combined. Like Unix pipes. And it has the added benefit of stopping my code getting too complex and hard to understand.

Communicating across components

Okay, so I’ve broken all of my behavioural enhancements down into single-responsibility web components. But what if one web component needs to have awareness of something that happens in another web component?

Here’s an example from The Session: the results page when you search for sessions in London.

There’s a map. That’s one web component. There’s a list of locations. That’s another web component. There are links for traversing backwards and forwards through the locations via Ajax. Those links are in web components too.

I want the map to update when the list of locations changes. Where should that logic live? How do I get the list of locations to communicate with the map?


When a list of locations is added to the document, it emits a custom event that bubbles all the way up. In fact, that’s all this component does.

You can call the event anything you want. It could be a newLocations event. That event is dispatched in the connectedCallback of the component.

Meanwhile in the map component, an event listener listens for any newLocations events on the document. When that event handler is triggered, the map updates.

The web component that lists locations has no idea that there’s a map on the same page. It doesn’t need to. It just needs to dispatch its event, no questions asked.

There’s nothing specific to web components here. Event-driven programming is a tried and tested approach. It’s just a little easier to do thanks to the connectedCallback method.

I’m documenting all this here as a snapshot of my current thinking on HTML web components when it comes to:

  • naming custom elements,
  • naming attributes,
  • the single responsibility principle, and
  • communicating across components.

I may well end up changing my approach again in the future. For now though, these ideas are serving me well.

Sunday, April 28th, 2024

Friday, April 26th, 2024

Thursday, April 25th, 2024

UX London 2024, day three

UX London runs for three days, from June 18th to 20th. If you can, you should get a ticket for all three days. But if you can’t, you can get a one-day ticket. Think of each individual day as being its own self-contained conference.

The flow of the three-day event kind of mimics the design process itself. It starts with planning and research. Then it gets into the nitty-gritty product design details. Then it gets meta…

Day three, Thursday, June 20th is about design systems and design ops.

Maintenance matters, not just for the products and services you’re designing, but for the teams you’re designing with. You can expect a barrage of knowledge bombs on alignment and collaboration.

The bombardment commences with four great talks in the morning.

The eyes of a man with an impressive foppish fringe look out from inside a brightly-coloured child's space helmet. A professional portrait of a smiling woman with long hair in front of a black background. A woman with long curly hair outdoors with a big smile on her face. A pale-skinned woman with her tied back smiling in front of a white background.
  1. Brad Frost kicks things off with the question is atomic design dead? Brad will show you how to imagine what a global design system might look like.
  2. Alicia Calderón is going to be talking about unlocking collaboration . Alicia will show you how to use a framework for creating lasting aligment between developers and designers.
  3. Benaz Irani will be speaking about empathy overload. Benaz will show you how to strike a balance between compassion and confidence within your team.
  4. Kara Kane is going to talk about why UX building blocks need standards. Kara will show you how to use standards to enable adoption and contribution to design systems.

After the lunch break you’ll have your pick of four superb workshops. It’s not an easy choice.

The eyes of a man with an impressive foppish fringe look out from inside a brightly-coloured child's space helmet. Close up of a smiling light-skinned woman wearing glasses with long red hair. A bearded short-haired man with light skin smiling outdoors amongst greenery. A white man with short hair and a bit of a ginger beard with a twinkle in his eye, wearing a plaid shirt.
  1. Brad Frost is not only giving a talk in the morning, he’s also leading an afternoon workshop on the design system ecosystem. Brad will show you how to unpack the many layers of the design system layer cake so you can deliver sturdy user interfaces and help teams work better together.
  2. Stéphanie Walter is running a workshop on designing adaptive reusable components and pages . Stéphanie will show you how to plan your content and information architecture to help build more reusable components.
  3. Tom Kerwin will be giving a workshop on multiverse mapping. Tom will show you how to pin down your product strategy and to align your team around the stuff that matters.
  4. Luke Hay is running a workshop on bridging the gap between Research and Design. Luke will show you how to take practical steps to ensure that designers and researchers are working as a seamless team.

Finally we’ll finish the whole event with one last closing keynote. I’m very excited to announce who that’s going to be—I’ll only keep you on tenterhooks for a short while longer.

When step back and look at what’s on offer, day three of UX London looks pretty unmissable. If you work with a design system or heck, if you just work with other people, this is the day for you. So get your ticket now.

But be sure to use this discount code I’ve prepared just for you to get a whopping 20% off the ticket price: JOINJEREMY.

Wednesday, April 24th, 2024

UX London 2024, day two

If you can’t make it to all three days of this year’s UX London, there’s always the option to attend a single day.

Day two is focused on product design. You know, the real meat’n’potatoes of working at the design coalface (to horribly mix my metaphors).

The day begins with four back-to-back practical talks.

A fairskinned man with short hair indoors illuminated by natural light. The smiling face of a young black woman with straight shoulder-length dark hair and glasses against a light background. A profile of a woman outdoors with her hair tied back and glasses on her head as she looks into the distance. A short-haired white man with a chiselled jaw tilts his head to one side and looks dreamily out from in front of green foliage.
  1. John V Willshire gets the ball rolling with a big-picture talk on the product of design. John will show you how to think about futures rather than features.
  2. Tshili Ndou follows on with her talk aboutvalidating features. Tschili will show you how to create high value products and avoid wasting money.
  3. Wioleta Maj is up after the break with a talk on understanding the impact of design choices. Wioleta will show you how to identify who we are creating our designs for (and who we are not).
  4. Harry Brignull closes out the morning with his call to action, Do Not Pass Go. Harry will show you how to get to grips with our industry’s failure to self-regulate when it comes to harmful design patterns.

After lunch, it’s decision time. Whereas the morning talks are sequential, the afternoon’s workshops run in parallel. You’ve got four excellent workshops to choose from.

A man with short hair and glasses with a neutral expression on his face. A bearded short-haired man with light skin smiling outdoors amongst greenery. A fair-skinned woman with long hair smiling. The eyes of a man with an impressive foppish fringe look out from inside a brightly-coloured child's space helmet.
  1. Ben Sauer will be giving a workshop on the storytelling bridge . Ben will show you how to find your inner storyteller to turn your insights into narratives your stakeholders can understand quickly and easily.
  2. Tom Kerwin will be giving a workshop on multiverse mapping. Tom will show you how to pin down your product strategy and to align your team around the stuff that matters.
  3. Serena Verdenicci will be giving a workshop on behavioural intentions . Serena will show you how to apply a behavioural mindset to your work so you can create behaviour-change interventions.
  4. Brad Frost will be giving a workshop on the design system ecosystem. Brad will show you how to unpack the many layers of the design system layer cake so you can deliver sturdy user interfaces and help teams work better together.

Finally there’s one last keynote talk at the end of the day. All will be revealed very soon, but believe me, it’s going to be a perfect finisher.

If a day of outstanding talks and workshops on product design sounds good to you, get your ticket now.

And just between you and me, here’s a discount code to get 20% of the ticket price: JOINJEREMY.

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024

UX London 2024, day one

UX London is just two months away!

The best way to enjoy the event is to go for all three days but if that’s not doable for you, each individual day is kind of like a mini-conference with its own theme.

The theme on day one, Tuesday, June 18th is design research.

In the morning there are four fantastic talks.

A bearded short-haired man with light skin smiling outdoors amongst greenery. A smiling woman with dark hair with a yellow flower in it wearing an orange top outdoors in a sunny pastoral setting. A portrait of Aleks outdoors turning the camera with a smile. A smiling light-skinned woman with medium length hair and a colourful green top in front of a stucco wall.
  1. Tom Kerwin kicks things off with his talk on pitch provocations. Tom will show you how to probe for what the market really wants with his fast, counterintuitive method.
  2. Clarissa Gardner is giving a talk about ethics and safeguarding in UX research . Clarissa will show you how to uphold good practice without compromising delivery in a fast-paced environment.
  3. Aleks Melnikova’s talk is all about demystifying inclusive research. Aleks will show you how to conduct research for a diverse range of participants, from recruitment and planning through to moderation and analysis.
  4. Emma Boulton closes out the morning with her talk on meeting Product where they are. Emma will show you how to define a knowledge management strategy for your organisation so that you can retake your seat at the table.

After lunch you’ll take part in one of four workshops. Choose wisely!

A white man with short hair and a bit of a ginger beard with a twinkle in his eye, wearing a plaid shirt. A fair-skinned woman with long hair smiling. Close up of a smiling light-skinned woman wearing glasses with long red hair. A man with short hair and glasses with a neutral expression on his face.
  1. Luke Hay is running a workshop on bridging the gap between research and design. Luke will show you how to take practical steps to ensure that designers and researchers are working as a seamless team.
  2. Serena Verdenicci is running a workshop on behaviorual intentions. Serena will show you how to apply a behavioural mindset to your work so you can create behaviour-change interventions.
  3. Stéphanie Walter is running a workshop on designing adaptive reusable components and pages. Stéphanie will show you how to plan your content and information architecture to help build more reusable components.
  4. Ben Sauer is running a workshop on the storytelling bridge. Ben will show you how to find your inner storyteller to turn your insights into narratives your stakeholders can understand quickly and easily.

After your workshop there’s one final closing keynote to bring everyone back together. I’m keeping that secret for just a little longer, but trust me, it’s going to be inspiring—plenty to discuss at the drinks reception afterwards.

That’s quite a packed day. If design research is what you’re into, you won’t want to miss it. Get your ticket now.

Just to sweeten the deal and as a reward for reading all the way to the end, here’s a discount code you can use to get a whopping 20% off: JOINJEREMY.

Sunday, April 21st, 2024

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