Paul Irish

Paul Irish is a front-end developer who loves the web. He’s thinking a lot about how to make you more productive with tools that improve your workflow help you make slicker, sexier, mobile web sites and web apps. He is a Developer Advocate for Google Chrome. He works on tools like Modernizr, Yeoman, HTML5 Please, CSS3 Please, and other bits and bobs of open source code.
Episode 51 Rendering Engines, Vendor Prefixes & Chrome Blink
Chrome recently announced they will replacing the webkit rendering engine with a new one, named Blink. What's up with that? To find out, Chris Wilson and Paul Irish join Jen Simmons to explain rendering engines and vendor prefixes.
Episode 21 Process & Tools
Front-end developer extraordinaire Paul Irish joins Jen Simmons to discuss work process, tools and best-practices.