Episode 20
Content Everywhere with Lyza Gardner
March 16, 2012
Author, speaker and developer Lyza Danger Gardner joins Jen Simmons to talk about how CMSes provide — or fail to provide — a platform for publishing content everywhere. How can we design & build a website that will publish everywhere and last long term?
Show Notes
- Style Tiles
- Amazon.com: Head First Mobile Web (Brain-Friendly Guides) (9781449302665): Lyza Danger Gardner, Jason Grigsby: Books
- Daring Fireball: Markdown
- Crap! It doesn't look quite right, or, how I learned to stop worryi...
- Breaking Development 2012: Orlando: Web Design and Development for Mobile Devices
- Mobilism 2012
- COPE: Create Once, Publish Everywhere
- Pandoc - About pandoc
- Modernizr
- A Book Apart, Mobile First
- Future Friendly
- The Coming Zombie Apocalypse | Blog | design mind
- A Book Apart, Responsive Web Design
- Mobile Web Best Practices | Helping People Make Mobile Web Experiences
- Blog « Cloud Four
- Lyza Danger Gardner
- Lyza Danger Gardner (lyzadanger) on Twitter