Chris Wilson

Chris Wilson has been working on browser technology for the better part of two decades. A member of the original Mosaic team, he went on to work first at Spry (producing Internet in a Box) and then later at Microsoft, where he was a major developer of Internet Explorer for almost 15 years. He's now working as a Developer Advocate at Google.
Episode 51 Rendering Engines, Vendor Prefixes & Chrome Blink
Chrome recently announced they will replacing the webkit rendering engine with a new one, named Blink. What's up with that? To find out, Chris Wilson and Paul Irish join Jen Simmons to explain rendering engines and vendor prefixes.
Episode 43 The Web Behind, part 6
Chris Wilson joins Eric Meyer and Jen Simmons to talk about the origins of the Mosaic Browser and his work on Internet Explorer 3 and 4.
Episode 32 Web Audio
The ability to manipulate audio in complex ways as part of the web page itself is yet another piece of the puzzle for using HTML + JavaScript to create complex experiences. Chris Wilson joins Jen Simmons to explain the Web Audio API and what it can do.