Doug Schepers

Doug Schepers is Developer Relations Lead at W3C, and is a project coordinator for the SVG, WebApps, Touch Events, and Audio Working Groups, and the project lead for He has been developing SVG applications for over a decade, and still tries to code in his copious spare time.
Episode 73 DRM
DRM has been long touted as the solution to piracy. Recently, a few browser makers and big media companies have pushed DRM technology into the web browser — while open web advocates have fought to prevent DRM on the web. What is DRM? Why and how are companies putting it into web browsers? And what solutions would be better? Jeremy Keith and Doug Schepers join Jen Simmons to debate DRM on the web.
Episode 67 SVG
SVG is one of several image formats for the web — one that has superpowers that the others don't. When would you want to use SVG & what can you do with it? Doug Schepers joins Jen Simmons to tell all.
Episode 60 Web Annotations
People have been having conversations on the web since the moment the web was born. Comments, forums, linking, and more have provide ways for people to hold a back-and-forth discussion. But is that enough? There's a movement to create an annotation system for the web, one that might end up as a new web standard & feature in every browser. Learn what annotations on the web would mean with guest Doug Schepers.