Jason Grigsby

Jason Grigsby is a Mobile Strategist and Co-Founder of Cloud Four, a mobile-focused web design and development company. Jason also co-founded Mobile Portland, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating, promoting and supporting the mobile technology community in Portland, Oregon. He co-wrote the book Head First Mobile Web, and frequently speaks about mobile technology and strategy.
Episode 99 Implementing Responsive Images
It's time to start using responsive images on our websites. You specify multiple files in your image HTML. Browsers download the best one for a user's screen size or context. Improve image quality. Save bandwidth. Make sites load faster. Jason Grigsby joins Jen Simmons to explain all the details.
In This Episode
- Why do we need responsive images?
- The HTML syntax
?- Declaring responsive images by width vs. device resolution
- What does 'width' mean in this context
- How to handle art direction
- What to avoid
- How we can start using superior image compression formats like WebP and JPEG2000 — today
- Tools for Drupal and WordPress
Episode 22 TVs
What does the news from this week's Apple keynote mean for the future of the web? There was no TV announcement, but what is the state of internet-enabled TVs? What can web designers and developers be doing today to support the coming TVs.
Episode 16 Mobile Capabilities
What can we learn from the capabilities of mobile phones to change the web as we know it? How are we in a rut when it comes to thinking about the web, because we are coming from the desktop? Mobile web strategist and author Jason Grigsby joins Jen Simmons to discuss mobile phones on the web, old design patterns, new possibilities and more, including site performance and web television.