Help Out

Are you a big fan of the show? You can help make the show even better, in several ways.

  1. Subscribe! It might seem backwards, but subscribing to the show is one of the best ways you can help. And then you won't miss a new episode.
  2. Rate and review the show in iTunes. This will help other people find the show in Apple's Podcast store and in many of the app ecosystems that pull data from iTunes.
  3. Help get the word out. Tweet about The Web Ahead. Post links to new episodes on Hacker News, Reddit, Facebook, Tumblr, Google+, your email newsletter, or wherever.
  4. Tell your colleagues and friends about the show. Tell people at work. Invite them to listen. Have a debate about something from the show.
  5. Write about the show on your website. Respond to a specific episode or write about the show in general. Choose a quote from a show that resonated and post it with your thoughts. Create a tutorial showing people how to use technology that we discussed. Be sure to ping me so I can link to your article.
  6. Post comments about an episode. Toward the bottom of the page for each new episode, there is a comment section. I welcome helpful comments, tips and tricks, corrections, examples, additional links, questions and the like.
  7. Suggest a topic. Or a guest. Ping me on Twitter, or send me a note.
  8. Transcribe an episode. I hope to have a transcript of every episode. You can help. All the information on how to help transcribe the show is here.
  9. This website is a place to start building a community around the podcast. I'd love to have you be part of that.
