Episode 87 Delivering Typography with Jason Pamental
October 17, 2014
Using real typefaces on the web creates amazing design opportunities. But how do you deliver web fonts while not messing up the rest of the experience? Jason Pamental joins Jen Simmons to talk about tips and tricks for optimizing web font performance.
In This Episode
- How to make fonts load faster
- Pros and cons of different techniques for hooking web fonts up to a site
- How to choose fonts that will work on different operating systems
- How to choose a font vendor
- How to test a font
- Improving the experience before the font loads
- Ways to do progressive enhancement with fonts
- Which font formats to use when
Episode 83 Wrangling Typefaces with Jason Santa Maria
September 17, 2014
Typography is a powerful way to immediately communicate the tone and voice of a site. But how exactly do you create great typography? Jason Santa Maria joins Jen Simmons to talk about his approaches to designing with type.
In This Episode
- How to design great typography
- How to choose a typeface
- Type on retina screens
- Finding a high-quality font
- What's coming next in web font technology
Episode 30 Typography with Richard Rutter
August 14, 2012
Web typography has taken off in the last few years. What is possible now? How do we create beautiful and functional type on the web? Richard Rutter joins Jen Simmons to explain.