Jen Simmons speaks with world experts on changing technologies and the future of the web.
The Latest on the Podcast
Episode 116 Preserving the Architecture of the Web with Stefan Tilkov
There’s a lot of pressure these days to use a JavaScript framework to create every website. “Which one is best?” people ask, “Which one should I use?” Stefan Tilkov joins Jen Simmons to talk about the architectural style of the web, and how to understand to best create an application on the web. What is the role of each of the technologies available?
Episode 115 Predicting the future with Rachel Andrew, Eric Meyer, and Jeffrey Zeldman
The landscape of what's possible in web page layout is changing. Jen has a theory that this change will be a big one — perhaps the biggest change to graphic design on the web in over 15 years. Rachel, Jeffrey, and Eric join her to debate if that's true or not, and to surmise what the future might bring. This special episode was recorded live at An Event Apart Nashville.
Episode 114 Laying Out the Future with Rachel Andrew
Everything about web page layout is changing. New CSS specifications will make it possible to do designs we've never seen before. Rachel Andrew joins Jen Simmons to talk about what's happening.
95 guests
117 episodes
3.1 million downloads
Winner of
Podcast of The Year
2015 Net Awards
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Jen is a fantastic host and she makes interviewing podcast guests seem so easy! (It isn’t.) She has a gift for choosing guests who are prescient and entertaining.
— Karen McGrane

Jen Simmons brings rare intelligence, deep subject matter knowledge, and a reverence for the open web and its community, to her unusually perceptive and remarkably honest interviews with the web’s brightest lights and illest villains. If you want to understand the web community, the nature of its works, and why it all matters, start here.
— Jeffrey Zeldman

As what we build for the web becomes increasingly complex, keeping up is harder and harder. There’s no better place to start than The Web Ahead.
— John Allsopp

The show continues to amaze me. The Web Ahead is one of my favorite ways to learn deeply about web design, development, and more, with its unique combination of details, context, values, and personality.
— Simon St. Laurent

A cascade of living legends who've changed the face of the Internet — Jen artfully engages them in conversations to help us capture the essence of an evermore complex digital world. I can't afford to skip it. Neither can you.
— Alla Gringaus

Listening is like going to the school of your dreams, no matter how accomplished you are. Practical, thoughtful, diverse, and always a lively exchange of ideas.
— Carolyn Wood

Jen Simmons is easily one of my favorite interviewers, podcast or otherwise. The conversations that come out of The Web Ahead are insightful, incisive, and for a show about technology, very human.
— Ethan Marcotte

You should listen to any of the shows in her archives, just to hear a master of the craft at work. Jen is a great interviewer. I listen to very few podcasts, but I always listen to The Web Ahead.
— Eric Meyer

The in-depth conversations that Jen has with the guests on the show are insightful and genuinely helpful. My advice: never go on a trip without a few episodes loaded on your mobile device!
— Peter Lubbers

Jen has a ton of experience in the web world. That gives her great perspective to apply when talking to her guests. We need Jen to help keep this complex web understandable, relatable, and relevant.
— Chris Coyier

100% recommended. Jen always brings the best in our field to share their knowledge and inspiration.
— Sara Soueidan