Episode 76 The Web Behind: Videoblogging with Jay Dedman, Ryanne Hodson and Michael Verdi
July 3, 2014
Ten years ago, a small group started an email list to figure out how to put video on the web. They ended up starting a movement, posting videos, breaking through technical barriers, and inventing a new medium. Jay Dedman, Ryanne Hodson and Michael Verdi join host Jen Simmons to tell the story in another edition of The Web Behind.
In This Episode
- How videoblogging got started
- Who participated on the email list
- What is was like to put video on a website in 2003
- The people who first figured this out and why
- Early video file formats and codec settings
- Early collaborative video projects and games
- Key moments that made online video take off
- How the proliferation of video creation and distribution tools has changed society, or not
- The need to archive this history
Episode 22 TVs with Jason Grigsby
June 13, 2012
What does the news from this week's Apple keynote mean for the future of the web? There was no TV announcement, but what is the state of internet-enabled TVs? What can web designers and developers be doing today to support the coming TVs.
Episode 12 Video with Michael Verdi
December 20, 2011
An all-you-can eat historical and technical look at web video. What's up with HTML5 and these competing codecs? How can you use video today? Where are things going in the future? Videoblog innovator Michael Verdi joins host Jen Simmons for a double-length show on video video video.