

Animating the Web with Rachel Nabors


How can we use animation on the web to provide information and improve the user experience? What uses should we avoid? How should we go about thinking of animation, including built-in animation experiences that are so common we don't see them anymore? Rachel Nabors joins Jen Simmons to explore the possibilities.

Thanks to Squarespace for sponsoring this episode. Use coupon code JENSENTME to get 10% off your first purchase.

If you're going to animate something, it should fulfill at least two purposes. And you can't use the word 'delight' as either of them.

List of Contents: 
  • The future of the web in multiple states and dimensions
  • How to decide what to animate
  • How the right animations can make an interface instantly understandable
  • What's wrong with Parallax scrolling — and what's not wrong with it
  • Six kinds of animations
  • Performance considerations when animating
  • Browser page scrolling as the first animation users experience
  • Possibilities for controlling the page load — how we might want to orchestrate loading content, rather than only focusing on speed
  • Duration: 
    5 414

    CSS Animations with Val Head


    CSS has three powerful specifications that can be used to animate things on the page: CSS Transitions, Transforms, and Animations. Designer and author Val Head joins Jen Simmons to explain how they work.

    Thanks to our sponsor, CSS Summit. Use code WEBAHEAD for 20% off.

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