Animating the Web with Rachel Nabors
by Jen Simmons on
How can we use animation on the web to provide information and improve the user experience? What uses should we avoid? How should we go about thinking of animation, including built-in animation experiences that are so common we don't see them anymore? Rachel Nabors joins Jen Simmons to explore the possibilities.
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If you're going to animate something, it should fulfill at least two purposes. And you can't use the word 'delight' as either of them.
-, which loads new pages using animations
- Web Animation Weekly
- pjax
- Web Animations API
- Rachel's ongoing coverage of the Web Animations API
- Navigation Transitions API
- "Web Animation at Work", by Rachel Nabors, A List Apart, Feb 11, 2014
- "Five Ways to Animate Responsibly", by Rachel Nabors, 24 Ways, Dec 14, 2014
- Cornell Lab's "Fancy Males" interactive educational site
- Flipboard on their website launch and 60fps animations
- "Accessibility vs User Experience: 60 FPS, Flipboard, and the High Road to the GPU" by Rachel Nabors
- John Gruber on Flipboard's choices
- How Flipboard Chose Form Over Function For Their Web Version, Faruk Ateş
- The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation
- Animatron
- OpenVis Conference
- Eyeo Festival
- Greensock / GSAP
- Velocity
- Apple's Keynote
- Prototyping: Fake It Till You Make It, Apple's own iOS app designers demonstrating how they use Keynote to prototype (WWDC video)