Episode 16
Mobile Capabilities with Jason Grigsby
February 15, 2012
What can we learn from the capabilities of mobile phones to change the web as we know it? How are we in a rut when it comes to thinking about the web, because we are coming from the desktop? Mobile web strategist and author Jason Grigsby joins Jen Simmons to discuss mobile phones on the web, old design patterns, new possibilities and more, including site performance and web television.
Show Notes
- MobileActive.org | A global network of people using mobile technology for social impact.
- textually.org
- Head First Mobile Web - O'Reilly Media
- Mobile Web Performance Measurement – Mobitest | Blaze.io
- Pantheon | Zap! Instant Drupal
- The Manual
- Steve Souders - High Performance Web Sites
- Exceptional Performance
- LukeW | The Web OS is Already Here…
- Google TV
- Boot to Gecko on MozillaWiki
- Chrome for Android
- Samsung Freeform - Metro PCS | Samsung SCH-r350 - Cell Phones
- Transmedia Design for 3 Screens - Make That 5 (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
- Stephanie Rieger (stephanierieger) on Twitter
- Bryan Rieger (bryanrieger) on Twitter
- On Mobile Context « Cloud Four
- Casting Off Our Desktop Shackles — BeerMob Dublin // Speaker Deck
- Future Friendly
- The Coming Zombie Apocalypse | Blog | design mind
- Mobile Apps Must Die | Blog | design mind
- Past Events | Breaking Development 2012: Orlando: Web Design and Development for Mobile Devices
- Past Events | Breaking Development 2012: Orlando: Web Design and Development for Mobile Devices
- Vehicle API