
Episode 102 Understanding Apple Watch with Josh Clark

April 22, 2015

Apple's Watch is almost here. What does it mean to design for this space? Josh Clark joins Jen Simmons to dig in.

In This Episode

  • What will it to like to live with computers strapped to our wrists?
  • Will this be all that's being promised?
  • Technology as jewelry
  • Four kinds of watch apps: notifying, data gathering, phone-mimicking, and a new kind
  • Designing for engagement vs. returning people's attention back to themselves
  • Pre-attentive cognition
  • Wearing data and the Internet of Things
  • The responsibility of shaping behavior with our designs
  • The future of haptic feedback. Force touch and the Taptic Engine
  • Will the web exist on our wrists?

Episode 38 Game Console Browsers with Anna Debenham

October 9, 2012

People are accessing the web from all kinds of devices these days, and will be from many more in the future. Anna Debenham joins Jen Simmons to talk about game consoles, both portable games and consoles that go with a television set, and the browsers they run. How might you want to adjust your website to work on these devices?

Episode 29 Smart Responsive Web Design Implementation with Scott Jehl

August 7, 2012

Responsive web design creates a new set of development demands. How should we best implement complex sites to load quickly and meet the needs of a wide range of devices? Scott Jehl joins Jen Simmons to talk about the South Street toolset and other Filament Group discoveries of best practices.

Episode 25 Responsive Images with Mat Marquis

July 4, 2012

What's the best way to handle responsive images? There's been a lot of discussion flying around over the last many months, big debates and fast changes… where have we landed? What's coming in the future? Responsive Images Community Group chair Mat Marquis joins Jen Simmons to sort it all out.

Episode 24 Jobs the Web Does with Horace Dediu

June 26, 2012

How can we understand the business of the web? Horace Dediu joins Jen to talk about the web through the lens of disruption theory, discussing innovation and jobs to be done. Along the way we get into advertisement on the web, and the old website vs native app debate.

Episode 22 TVs with Jason Grigsby

June 13, 2012

What does the news from this week's Apple keynote mean for the future of the web? There was no TV announcement, but what is the state of internet-enabled TVs? What can web designers and developers be doing today to support the coming TVs.

Episode 19 Internet in Your Pocket with Luke Wroblewski

March 8, 2012

Luke Wroblewski joins Jen Simmons to talk about mobile, mobile first, mobile web — but what is mobile really anyway? How is it that these devices are changing our lives?

Episode 17 Mobile Devices with Peter-Paul Koch

February 24, 2012

Mobile device researcher and expert PPK joins Jen Simmons to explain the mobile device landscape. What will we do trying to make websites for all these phones?

Episode 16 Mobile Capabilities with Jason Grigsby

February 15, 2012

What can we learn from the capabilities of mobile phones to change the web as we know it? How are we in a rut when it comes to thinking about the web, because we are coming from the desktop? Mobile web strategist and author Jason Grigsby joins Jen Simmons to discuss mobile phones on the web, old design patterns, new possibilities and more, including site performance and web television.

Episode 11 Touch with Josh Clark

December 13, 2011

How best to design for a touch screen? How are interfaces changing with the multitude of devices at our touch? Author, speaker, consultant and expert Josh Clark explains his insights into touch design.

Episode 8 iOS Design with Sarah Parmenter

November 23, 2011

Sarah Parmenter joins to talk about iOS design, web design, tools for design and more.

Episode 7 Mobile with Jonathan Stark

November 15, 2011

Jonathan Stark joins Jen Simmons to talk about web apps vs. native apps, when to use which mobile technology, how to plan a good mobile experience, touch events, and more.

Episode 3 Everything Web with Jeremy Keith

September 28, 2011

Jeremy Keith joins Jen to talk about Mobilewood, future-friendlying websites, responsive design techniques, digital preservation, HTML5 semantics, Firefox 7, and much more.

Episode 2 Responsive Web with Ethan Marcotte

September 19, 2011

Ethan Marcotte joins Jen Simmons for a conversation about responsive web design, tools, the process of designing a web site, mobile first, what the future may hold and more.

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