Peter Ferko

Peter Ferko is an author who draws on lifelong pursuits in yoga, art, and music. His novel Wally and Kali is a poignant, funny, sexy tale of love and family all set in the realm of New York City's vibrant yoga scene. Peter is a yoga master who teaches classes and teacher training at ISHTA Yoga, a well-known yoga studio in Manhattan.
Episode 88 Staying Sane
This week has been declared “Geek Mental Health Week” by Andy Clarke. He asked The Web Ahead to participate, so I invited yogi Peter Ferko to join me and talk about ways to find contentment, balance and sanity in a world that can be painful or overwhelming.
In This Episode
- How can we find contentment?
- Options in dealing with bad times
- A perspective on emotions
- How to let things go
- Ways to think about depression and anxiety
- What can a yoga or meditation practice do?